
Crisis Recognized

There is so much written about crises these days that we too often lose focus on what is truly a crisis. A crisis is defined as a condition of instability or danger that results in formerly successful coping mechanisms failing us and ineffective decisions and behaviors taking their place.   

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Where’s the Beef?

I first wrote about the environmentalist movement to eliminate or reduce the consumption of meat in the name of climate change back in 2017. My first article was titled, Big Mike’s Bean House, and was centered around a study promoted at the time that advocated substituting beans for meat to reduce carbon emissions. My comments included the thought that Andalusia’s own Big Mike’s Steak House would not be nearly as successful serving beans instead of their signature steaks.

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Saturday Mornings

Watching Saturday morning television was one of my favorite things to do as a kid. The 1960s were the golden years for cartoons and most of them were shown on Saturday mornings. Now, kids can see cartoons anytime they wish with Cartoon Network, numerous on-demand streaming options or YouTube, but we could only see cartoons

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Denying the Laws of Physics

“Policymakers cannot overlook the laws of physics or the reality of the current situation.” That is from Jim Matheson, NRECA President, and his opinion piece published in Fox News, “Our Broken Energy Policy Could Leave Americans in the Dark.” Mr. Matheson makes several valid arguments in his piece, but policymakers unfortunately have no limits on

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As an electric utility, the provision of reliable and affordable electricity is our primary objective. The intent of my articles is to illustrate how the many differing forces pushing for economic change, and the restructuring of the world’s energy industry, will likely disrupt the electric utility industry and reliable energy supply. When it happens – and the possibility increases every year – I would rather say, “You were warned.”

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I plead guilty to subscribing to The New York Times. It is not as much about keeping my enemies close as it is about keeping track of liberal ideas and movements as a part of PowerSouth’s obligation to maintain reliability, affordability, and availability of electric power. Following The New York Times provides an insight into the forces threatening reliability and affordability.

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